A beautiful evening dinner with friends – what could be better! Well, the book “Unbroken,” by Laura Hillenbrand made a beautiful evening even better – perfect in fact!
If you haven’t read “Unbroken,” read it. It is simply unbelieveable – well written, well researched and it’s a true story of an amazing man. Ms. Hillenbrand came across articles written about Louis Zamperini when she was writing “Seabiscuit,” and vowed to come back to Mr. Zamperini’s story when she finished. And we are very glad she did.
We crave survival stories, they give us hope and allow us to say “Ok” I can do this. Survival is not the neat, fearless story of the movies, but rather a messy, complicated, and fear-ridden ordeal. Mr. Zamperini deals with everything that he’s dealt in this astounding story of survival. See my review under Pages.
Absolutely read this book.