Emma Donoghue went where few choose to go – into the dark depravity of abduction. Donoghue used a lighter touch with her characters to keep the reader reading and not turning away. She introduces us to a very lively, very real, five-year old named Jack. Jack is full of movement, love, and excitement for the world around him. The world around him is only an 11 x 11 square foot room that he and his mother are held prisoner in.
Ma, as Jack affectionately refers to his mother, has kept any hint that they are held prisoner from him. As Jack grows older this becomes increasingly more difficult. Every night they are visited by Old Nick. Ma keeps most of the fear of Old Nick away from Jack, but Jack is frightened by him any way.
Ma sleeps all day sometimes and Jack is left to watch TV and run around their little 11 x 11 space. There are no windows in their little space, so Jack has no idea what is outside his door. He doesn’t believe that what he sees on TV is real, and Ma has a difficult time explaining things, she doesn’t want him to get to inquisitive for his own safety.
Ma does realize that Jack’s life is in danger as he starts questioning everything. She makes her move and prays that Jack will be able to go through with it and gain their freedom.
I don’t want to give too much away, but as events change we watch as Ma and Jack struggle to rejoin the real world. Their return is very painful for both of them and the reader can only stand by and wait to see if they will be OK.
The premise for this book is very disturbing. Donoghue takes the positive approach and never lets the reader fall into the dark pit of misery. This isn’t an uplifting premise, but the reader comes away with hope that even the worst of things can be overcome.
It is a very interesting book for book club. There are a number of things to discuss from abduction, the resiliency of children, depression, and love. Jack is a child born out of horror, but his mother loves him dearly.
Some of our members didn’t like the book, but some loved the book. It’s a perfect book for book clubs and it will inspire a lot of discussion.
Rating: 7.5