The success of the book is the first question a book club should discuss. How did this book become a best seller? The story begins with the lead character, Mack, receiving a typewritten note from “Papa.” Papa wants Mack to visit him at the “shack.” The note made Mack sick, then angry. Mack finally decides to go to the shack and confront this Papa without letting anyone but his close friend know. And, so begins Mack’s journey of enlightenment.
Mack begins the agonizing process of remembering the last time he was at the shack and here the reader is introduced to The Great Sadness. Mack took his three children camping and a tragic turn of events turns this Hallmark vacation into a horrible nightmare.
The story itself lacks all but the basic emotion. Mack tells Missy, his beautiful 6-year old daughter, one of her favorite stories about an Indian princess who dies to save her people. This time, however, Missy keeps asking her father why the princess had to die (foreshadowing events to come). However, in real life, Mack would have great difficulty remembering this story in the way it is told – it would be so painful and scattered and not told so straightforward and factual. I don’t want to give away the story by saying anything else, but it didn’t ring true for me.
Mack finds God (black female called Papa) along with Jesus and the Holy Ghost at the shack. He spends a weekend with them in Garden of Eden luxury and begins a journey to forgiveness.
To some people this book carries weight and they find it comforting and even deeply moving. To others it is nonsence. This is definitely Christain theology in a Sunday-school type rendition. I would have preferred an adult conversation instead.
It did inspire conversation with our book club members especially regarding forgiveness. It is so important to forgive and move on, but so hard to do. Also, it was a fast read for those times when everyone is busy.
Rating: 5.5