October 2015



What a wonderful event for area readers!

I didn’t have book club this month to encourage my book club members to participant in the 2nd annual festival of books.

On Friday night Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn spoke to a packed house about getting involved and giving back.

Participating authors spoke at varying times during the day on Saturday.  I enjoyed Kimberly McCreight speak about her writing journey.  McCreight wrote “Reconstructing Amelia,” which was nominated for an Edgar Award. Her current novel is “Where They Found Her.”

We also listened to Hector Tobar who wrote “Deep Down Dark,” and Bryan Burrough who wrote “Days of Rage.”

My favorite part of the day was Gail Sheehy’s lecture.  She was amazing.  What a life – what a woman!

I can’t wait till next year!!!

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