November 3, 2010

Book club is going to a play for its monthly meeting. We picked an author we love, Nora Ephron. Her new off-Broadway play, “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” has been highly recommended to us. I’ll let you know all about it.

So, just an observation. I love to read, but not everything is worth the time. I’m so tired of buying a magazine with a great hook for an article on the cover, and being so disappointed with the story. Either the magazines should calm down the hook or the article should live up to it. I enjoy looking at the fashion, but the articles should be better. There are a lot of writers out there (me included), and weight/diet can not be the only thing to talk about in the national magazines, including Oprah.

I like “Scientific American.” I like the writing magazines, and “Bookmarks” magazine. The specific genre magazines that teach us something about history, cooking, language, arts, etc. I don’t know maybe it’s an age thing. As you grow older (wiser?) you become more curious about the world around you. Just a thought.

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