A BYOB, a Mystery, and Friends – What could be better?

where they found herWe tried a BYOB in Randolph for a nice change for our monthly book club meeting.  It was a small group, but a lovely time. 

The book was “Where They Found Her,” by Kimberly McCreight.  A mystery touted in the “Gone Girl” vein. I found it to be subtler and less jarring than its predecessor. Everyone who read the book really liked it.  See my review on the right under Reviews.

A few of us from book club got interested in the author when we attended the Morristown Festival of Books last October.  She gave a talk and had a Q&A afterwards. She told the audience it took her 20 years and five books before she got published. It may have taken her a long time to get published, but she has certainly made up for it with two national bestsellers and a YA trilogy, “The Outliers,” with the first book coming out in May.  “Reconstructing Amelia,” her first novel was nominated for the Edgar Award.  All of her books have been optioned by Hollywood to be made into movies.

Her publication trials give me hope for my novel.  It should give everyone hope – Just keep writing!