A Juicy Summer Read – “Camino Island”

I watched John Grisham on CBS This Morning during his latest book launch for “Camino Island.”  He said after years of being accused of writing beach reads, he decided to write one.  “Camino Island” is his version of a beach read.  No court room drama here. Just the theft of the priceless original handwritten manuscripts of F. Scott Fitzgerald, kept in the vaults at Princeton University. 

In the warm July temperatures, what could be better than a beach read for my book club. 

But what exactly is a beach read?  This term is thrown around so often, that I decided to find out. According to an article in the Washington Post, beach reads are “marketed exclusively to women… not worth a man’s time.”  Beach reads are private affairs for private consumption, escapes from care, easy and disposable.

With all the time and effort it takes to conceive and write a novel, as an author to hear the word “disposable,” would be heartbreaking.  “Camino Island,” is certainly not a disposable read, and I’m sure my husband will like it as much as I did.  Beach read my ass! (more…)