July 2015

bfbc groupThis month we did something different.  We joined another book club for a discussion of the Morristown Festival of Books’ One Community, One Book (OCOB) selection “The Lost Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken,” by Laura Schenone.  Book clubs and readers from all over the area were asked to read a single book and discuss it. (See my review under the author’s name to the right.)

We had met the lovely ladies of Long Valley at the Morristown Festival of Books’ kick-off reception in April and decided to try to join together for the OCOB pick.

Two of the Long Valley ladies made the ravioli recipe in Schenone's book, which was delicious.
Two of the Long Valley ladies made the ravioli recipe in Schenone’s book, which was delicious.

It was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to other book clubs.  Not only was it fun, but it was also enlightening.

March 2015

pctIn case you couldn’t guess from the picture we read “Wild,” by Cheryl Strayed for this month’s pick.

We all loved it and recommend it to other book clubs.  (See my review on right under the author’s name.)

We wanted to go to the movie to see the Pacific Crest Trail, but unfortunately only a few shots are on the PCT and they are all in Oregon.  Too bad!