Born in the USA

This is why I love book cub, because you end up reading a book that you would not have picked. And bam – you just love it.  One of our members suggested “Born to Run,” by Bruce Springsteen. Although I like memoirs, I haven’t read one in quite a while, and certainly not about a rock and roll superstar.  But I like Bruce Springsteen and I ended up loving his memoir.

According to the summary on Amazon, Springsteen took seven years to write his story. The book is interesting, thoughtful, and soul-searching.  Honest. Like having a drink with the man at the bar before one of his gigs.

Springsteen accounts of his childhood are vivid.  I’m not sure how he remembers so many details.  I loved the fact that his mother had him take dance lessons so she had someone to dance with at weddings and other functions. Mom sure knew best and gave her son a step up with the girls in high school. He didn’t stand on the sidelines during school dances.  He felt confident enough to ask girls to dance.

His aha moment came early in his life when he saw Elvis Presley on The Ed Sullivan Show.   He became unrelenting in quest to become a musician.  Springsteen worked all sorts of odd jobs to get a guitar, eventually also lessons. He had found his passion and desire. (more…)

November 2015 Book Club

bfbc mom childWe had a lovely book club last night.  Our book was “Pieces of My Mother” by Melissa Cistaro.

The author’s memoir is heartbreakingly sad.  She elevated the harshness of the story with elegant prose, but it never leaves the reader uplifted or inspired.

I’m glad I read the book, sadness and all, and I think book clubs can use this book to open up dialogue about our own dysfunctional moments.  See my review to the right.