Two local authors found after traumatic events that they shared a connection with the afterlife as messengers. Together they channel from the spiritual realm.
They met at an intuitive training workshop and sensed a familiarity with each other. They wanted to gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual path and to make sense of the messages they’d been hearing from people who had passed.
Berit and Beth working together expanded their field of awareness. Berit had received guidance in a dream about messages they’d been receiving and was instructed that these messages were to be called Sacred Letters and that the women were to collect and publish them. They assembled pieces of fragments of information they received and brought them more clearly into view.
At book club none of us knew what to expect. Visions of séances, mediums and psychics swirled around in our heads. It was nothing like that at all. Berit and Beth where uplifting and inspirational taking about loving each other. No cloak and daggers here. Just caring and knowing that your love ones who have passed are safe.